Thursday, 16 September 2010

Tyler haslett is a stupid douche A.K.A dont stand in a greenhouse whilst throwing stones, as your walls tumble quickly ;)

I got a visit from my lovely sister this evening, and she asked if I have been onto my blog recently. I mutter something about being a slovenly sloth and not gettting round to updating, when she mentioned I should check out some rather malicious comments that had appeared on my joker bank heist mask” post. I jumped on to see the name Tyler Haslett. I know of the name in fact as this “gentleman” is quite well known on the RPF. NOW, those who dont know, a few facts:

1)The RPF stands for the replica Prop forum, a community of film model and prop builders, who struggle tirelessly to achieve their own dreams of owning a prop from one of their favourite films. It is a prop community that takes a moral viewpoint against recasters (people who take an existing prop and remolds it for monetary gain.

2 the RPF

  1. I abide by its rules and

  2. 4. I have never made contact with Tyler Haslett.

I know of him, mainly because of his shady reputation on the rpf. Now, he did in fact inspire me to create my own, as I loved the prop and was impressed by Tylers work. But not enough to warrant spending over 100 dollars on something that I didnt think was nearly good enough. So I decided to make my own from WED clay on a mannequin head. The head was a garish turquoise green colur and stylised, meaning it was quite a small head and turned facing left. I dont have a small head. I have a large head. So, with newspaper and gaffa tape, I took to making the head fatter....

I even went so far as to use a duct tape model of my own head, which involve cling filming my head and covering it in gaffa tape. Which was the put over the manequin head and filled with newspaper....(photos above show mid progress, not recast, but made from clay.... GASP!!!)

I then began to cover in WED clay (bought from a UK COMPANY, WHO I WILL BE GLOWING ABOUT IN A FUTURE POST) After apply a thick layer of clay over the front, I began to map out basic shapes. The model head was twisted at the neck, and the more I worked, the more I struggled with making it symmetrical. I give you credit Tyler, yours seems pretty symmettical, but just not very accurate. I've seen your mask, I have even saved pics of your mask so I can show all the girls and boys at home. I'll show them all your flaws in your mask, and where I tried to improve on them. HOWEVER, I HAD NEVER SEEN ONE OF HIS MASK IN REAL LIFE!

so anyway, I decided eventually to remove the mask off the model head by cutting the duct tape behind the mask edge and the lifting it off, it was then when I realised that it was severely wonky. Lol, meant I had to go back to the drawing board...

few hours later, less wonky......

Anyway, 25 hours of a labour of love later, I have this pair of effing clownshoes telling me I copied his frankly, not very good mask. I aint saying mine is perfect by no means, but it is better than yours Tyler. Sorry to break it to you. Actually, it not..... you smug little fool....

So, here are the pics that I took whilst I was making my mask, entirely from scratch, having never made contact with the meat roofer (Tyler Haslett hahahaha, see if you can be childish, so can I) and have never been in posession of one of his “sort of but not very accurate" masks, I cant be totally certain as to whether they look alike, but I also can, AS IT IS OFF THE SAME PROP, you douche canoe!!!. Anyway, ranting will continue after this short interlude....

In conclusion, Tyler, you witless idiot, I have never bought an item from you, and find your accusatory tone as boorish and arrogant. And if you look above, youll see the inside of the WED clay master that I molded. You'll also see the imprint on the inside, why look at that Tyler, gaffa tape..... not a fibreglass mask thats been built on in sight!!!! Can you see tyler, can you see the reflection of the gaffa tape through the clay on the cheek when the flash bounces off of it???? You've been kicked off every forum that I know of and you've been on and frankly, no one likes you. You were banned from The RPF and now your name is synonymous generally with one who negates on deals and is unable to deliver his substandard props in a timely fashion.See we can both be bitches.... so anyway, imma go email TYLER HASLETT on his email address, which is at telling him he just got served.... YOU SHOULD TOO!!! If he sends me back a reply, I'll be surprised, but if he sends me his evidence that i recast his work, (which would seem alittle silly, seeing as there is pretty good proof here that I didnt...,) I'm sure to post them here to back up his case. Its in Tylers court now, he has to provide evidence to backup his bullshit claims! I got a feeling he doesnt like the taste of humble pie....and a message to TYLER, GET BACK ON YOUR SOAP BOX BITCH, YOU GOT SOME DEFENDING TO DO.....