Ventured to an Alice in wonderland themed night with my lovely missus Cathie, Her cousin and her boyfriend, who is one of my best friends. We only made a final decision that we were going in costume on Wednesday night, but a rushed costume can sometimes be a lot of fun. Cathie had already got an Alice costume from a previous fancy dress party, so it was on with my costume. I was pretty sure, after my wonderful sister posted me a fabulous mad hatter costume tutorial made by Threadbanger on Youtube, that the hatter would be the best route. Although my obsession with Tim Burton is probably bordering on dangerous now, I decided to veer away from his imaginings, as if I do a particular film character, I like to get it as close as possible and thought there was no way I could achieve a close likeness with the materials I had at hand. So, a Victorian, slightly freaky (and originally intended, zombified) Mad Hatter........
Charcoal grey Trousers I already owned, white primer and red enamel spray paint over masking taped stripes, hat made in about an hour and a half with my lovely assistants help and that invaluable tutorial(thanks V!), cane was a broom handle and the teapot was made from insulation foam, also about an hour, contact lenses from a while ago, that i never opened and red snazaroo face paint for the eyes. Shirt, waistcoat, jacket and brothel creepers, models own lol) neck tie originally flower arrangement ribbon. Enjoy!
p.s The night wasnt massively busy, meaning that although quite a lot of people turned up in costume, Cathie was the only alice, and I was the only mad hatter. Oh and Cats cousin and my friend went as a rose and a playing card with paint brush respectively. That was a very cute idea!